Thursday, September 25, 2008

Trading Was Very Hard

Bush was brilliant; he told the truth.

The best way to describe the market is this:

10,968 as the high, 10,713 as the low. The 530P moved from 10.30 to 13.20 and the 580C moved from 5.80 to 7.80.

It was a day where the market studied what is NOT happening, and the market had FEAR as to what could happen.

Only tight profits were possible, and trading was very hard. I suspect it will continue to be, until someone takes ownership of the situation and Congress acts.


Reader RC, a devout Rebublican, and I may be more in synch than ever before.

Sarah Palin is as qualified as Barack Obama. That's one thing he is dead right on. Bush was no more qualified as Governor of Texas, and the bankrupter of 4 businesses then McCain, the lifelong patriot, Obama the "change" speaker, or anyone else.

The question is who you want to be the CEO of a large bankrupt company. That's what we have.

And, he commented, "we do not just want change", correct, and he's right...we do want right change. I have yet to hear how McCain will change anything, only that he is a maverick, and that Palin fought the status quo in Alaska.

Personally, I'm unhappy with both our candidates. It's a mess. I'll shut up on who is right, and who is wrong, and simply ask you as subscribers, as taxpayers, and as citizens to not fall for FALSE FACTS, to not "buy the ad" rather than the candidate, and to truly analyze the implications of the situation we are in.

Buffet knows what we must do. Perhaps we might listen to the world's richest man, and not Congress, or candidates: Buffet is also a Democrat.

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