Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sorry, It Just Did Me In

The October 440P was available as low as 3.40, and sold to highs of 9.00, allowing our winning streak to continue. However, we'll stop loss the Oct580C, our first loss in this debacle

I lost it in my commentary yesterday, and I'd like to tell you why.

I was flying to the midwest from Florida, and sitting next to me on the plane was a woman with a McCain button. I asked her a few questions as to why, and found she was an imbecile. "I do not believe in abortion, and Sarah Palin has a good view on this" to "McCain is a hero, and I respect him," "We need to be in Iraq because they will find WMD."

Sorry, it just did me in.

And our country is being lost to imbeciles like this lady that vote. Of course, she did not know much of the financial meltdown, and said "Wall Street" was greedy and they are getting what is coming to them. My anger was over the idiocy of our people arguing over small things, and missing the big things. We could easily now elect another four years of this, and I'm just amazed. I am sick of God being discussed around politics.

Bernanke is now ready to cut interest rates.

This is what the economists are worried about. Paulson and Bernanke ran to Bush when the lies had multiplied beyond recognition, and a hasty plan of action drawn up. We had no choice but to do something, but typically were left with no time to do it, and no analysis, as the lies had perpetrated right to the bitter end.

From subscribers:

1. I think your email was perfect. I think it is time for all Americans to wake up and in so doing take the lead in correcting the injustices we ourselves have perpetrated at home and abroad. We are only here because of our won actions and unless we realize the cause of our problems it will be very difficult to solve them. You taught me that. You have been standing up for as long as I have known you. Yesterday you left no room for misunderstanding. If the democrats would stop worrying about winning the election and spoke aw frankly as you do, I think their message would be heard much clearer. Thank you. Your emails are always a breath of fresh air. I hope its fever spreads and helps others to hold true to what they know is right from wrong.

2. Ssshhh!!

Everyone with strong clear view and a sense of justice fears going too far in speaking the blindingly obvious. You have probably got this concern by having expressed yourself similarly in the past and seen that you scared the life out of someone who was wrapped in their bubble of naivity by standing there with a huge hatpin.

What should we say to these situations and ruined lives? "Oh well, never mind?" I often see an elderly lady in the supermarket near me. Almost bent double with arthritis, always in the same shabby thin coat that won't stand a cold wind, bandages round both feet, you've seen "her". I see her counting her coins before she goes to the till, only ever coins, I've never seen her with Euro notes, and only the absolute basics in her basket. I saw her once at the chocolate section, checking prices and her coins. She moved on. I called after her so that she could see me standing up after picking up something from the floor. I told her that she must have dropped the €2 coin, she was confused of course but I said I saw her drop it so she felt obliged to take it and probably wasn't sure she hadn't dropped it. I hoped she would then go to get chocolate but she came to stand behind me at the till, not even this simple, tiny "treat" in her basket.

I gave her my place because "she would be quicker than me." I went to get the chocolate she had studied and caught her at the door. I asked her if she would do me the honour of taking this small gift, telling her because my mother is about her age and as she is in England I couldn't give it to her. I worried it would attack her pride so played that dirty trick on her. ;-) she took it after some hesitation and sent my mother her greetings. Up the street young men, rather healthy looking young men are begging in the street. This lady has her pride and she somehow pays her way. Heaven forbid the old girl has to climb a 4 flights of steep stairs with her shopping in her hand to reach her appartment as a 78 year old neighbour of a friend has to.

$700 billion!!!! dollar bail out of incometence and shirking a social responsibility because the House of Representatives saw their portfolio dive by 777 points in a day, to see it dive even deeper the second they did it!!!! When this happened in 1929, grown men who had never known want were sticking their heads in gas ovens, so great was their fortitude in the face of adversity!! My God, some people responsible for this mess are going to feel embarrassed and shuffle in their shoes when they stand in front of their maker and explain their path through this life as ladies like this walk our streets of democracy after 2 devastating wars in Europe and a current war we tired hearing of quicker than Vietnam!!

And you, lovely lovely man, were concerned you went too far?? Keep shouting!! I am proud to call you friend!!

No, no, you will never lose those of us who can see!!

3. I like how blunt and angry you were, but the blame is not just with Congress and Bush, but the American people for not seeing the greed. We all knew better. I was shocked when Bush was able to talk the American people into a second term (played on our fear of terrorism), and am more shocked we could even consider another Republican administration. Hopefully you at least got people to think that abortion rights have nothing to do with our Government.

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