Friday, July 31, 2009

There you go...

> There are many conspiracy theories on how an economy doing so overall poorly could have good earnings reports, and construe the same facts we’ve been hearing about or a year into yet another almost 1000 point run up.
> It’s been great news for some investors, as our portfolios have really gained, and probably ‘”oh, gee, I’ve lost not as much last year” for others, and “the cash is rolling in” for the few.
> I suspect that most of the American public are excited, as the stock market is coming back. But again, most of the American public believed in WMD in Iraq, and that the bank debacles that led us down were not in part planned and ways for the few to get rich, even led by the government.
> My Dad had a ticker tape in his office, a huge investment, so he could call his broker as he watched the market and charted out of the newspaper each evening on the closing price.
> As computers came to trading the laws of efficiencies were first released. This is Floydian Rule 876-When a new model is introduced its efficiencies outweigh any concerns, and the model is then built on the new efficiency, without regard to “next step."
> As a consultant for years it’ all I saw. And right now, we’ve hit the unregulated securities game (still far from under control) , but many believe that computer trading can manipulate stocks.
> With a global network of all types of brokerages, and the ability to trade for all who are “high frequency trading” (HTF). Regulators are already adding this game to the many other games already leading our market at all times. When the market is ready to gather just enough in, a fair consolidation is always in order, to allow profits.
> When the market can move in near1000 point increments it can be attributed to high frequency trading, which could extend trading ranges.
> This is what we are seeing, meaning Dow projections must be always pre market and intraday on big moves, as pivots change constantly.

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