Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Historical Grounds

Wall Street hit historical grounds yesterday and breached its 200 day moving average. To many chartists and "averagers" using cycle methodology, this is a big thing.

It allowed the market to open and run up to a theoretical Dow top of 10,608 before 10 a.m. No new entry was possible to the call in the a.m., but for traders that still held inventory from last week, or had held partials, our October505Call hit 12.90 before 11 a.m., locking all profits.
Read our option update carefully to understand the dual positions we may have, and note that many "data" facts come out this this week. False facts like Redbook, CPI, et al usually created advance volatility. Most important Buffet has spoken about the recession. As an Obama economic voter, Buffet, the richest man in the world, sees through the GOP and the tax game, and judges his market reactions by how his companies are doing:



Traders in our Blue Chip Option service have recently traded a call option for 50% gains in a week, and were just instructed on 4 new stocks, or stock options, that we think could have huge returns.
Consider joining our other service: www.bluechipoptions.com

One good trade is a year pays for the service.

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