Monday, May 30, 2011

Two Testimonials

Two OEX Testimonials explain perfectly how our system works. Read them carefully as these men are successfully becoming traders:

“I realize now I don't have to hit a home run every trade. I gained $1700.00 this week targeting 10 and 20%. I will keep greed out of my trading decisions. I have also employ risk control, money management, and position size. I am keeping a trading journal of the good the bad and the ugly. I think the light bulb finally click onto think you have had everything I needed right in front of me.

One week doesn't change a lifestyle but I am in it to win it.”


I sold all of the contracts for a profit of $1 each contract and I am walking away with a cool $8000 in a week. Frankly, I did not know how to trade today with the futures staying mildly up but the commodities staying up as well. So I decided to stay conservative and sold during the first half hour as the Dow was closer to R1. I was not sure if it will go past R1 but apparently it did. I still have to make simple adjustments as to how I am trading and clarity is only getting better. This is not possible without your valuable service and help. It is amazing with your position on a call when the market has only somewhat stayed down the whole week but yet so many people seemed to have made money including me ;)



Market Study

Gold mining stocks will grow the most with any upswing to precious metals, and we already have a holding in Canadian Exchange Fund and a long-term call in SLW for silver.

GDX is a buy and hold. Close eyes. Please note this chart was prepared on 5/22/11. How is the stock performing?

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