Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doomsayers Predict Moves to 6400

The man who was mentioned in my commentary yesterday, the one who wanted to be a beachcomber, quit his job, moved to Florida with his wife, and he took "his new job." His wife found other employment in the new city.

Today, ten years from the interview, he "beachcombs" an area of a Northern Florida beach, has a small "chair and windsurfer" business on the beach, and trades OEX options once a week. He makes a bit more money than he did make, and he's healthy and happy.

It's a happy story ONLY because he made a decision he wanted to make, and changed his life to accommodate his desires.

Doing what you want may lengthen, or shorten, your life. Either answer is good.

Doing what you don't want, and repeating it, is what we all seem to choose to do, and it makes us stressed, miserable, and "acting out" in unhappiness. You are what you decide. This could be the most important self help statement you'll ever read.

What you WANT does not mean "buying stuff" or possessions. It means learning who you are and what you WANT TO BE AND DO.

As you learn about yourself much of what you are learning is the undoing of what you have been told, and have created about yourself. For example, many dog lovers know that dogs are powerless and innocent, and it is how we treat the humblest amongst us that dominates our souls.

Often loving a dog is an opportunity for a lost or selfish human heart to be redeemed.

When it is said that all things happen for a reason, it may be true, but it is the "unreality of the reason" that makes it the most reason. In our infinite search we are learning more who we are, and what we have made ourselves.

Only when we learn that nothing is really real do we begin to see things as they are.

This is the most true in the Zen of Trading. And will be what you argue most, but remember, a rock may not be hard. It is only hard because of our "facts", and we may not have all the facts.

Conservatives, for example must decide whether they really believe in less government or if they think the government should control every uterus. When we control in issues that are "not controllable" we waste.

My favorite example is our "just say no to drugs" from dear Nancy Reagan. Any psychologist alive laughed out loud at the commentary, as it breeds the exact opposite of what we want. Instead, WHY do people use drugs?

It is this lack of logic to this thinking that destroys true policies.

And lastly, more doomsayers talk on moves to 6400:

The market yesterday hit 7847, and highs of 8550. We entered a new position to the Dec440C.

Study our Dow projections carefully, we're re-editing steps. Doomsayers see a stronger and deeper downturn. Floyd believes there will be an automotive bail out of some sorts, and that there is a 60% liklihood of more bottom testing, but not for a long period. Although I am not bullish, nor am I bearish, and believe the analysts may be creating the negative hype. Truly NOTHING is good economically, I realize, but a bail out or any "good news" may build a short term euphoria. We'll list a put for trading today, but note again the extreme conditions of the buy.

It is interesting to note, of course, that the CEOs of the Big Three chose to fly to Washington in private corporate jets to beg for the $25 billion in public money. The estimate for the private flight for the GM CEO was roughly $20,000 dollars round trip. Notice the lack of intelligent and personal responsibility these CEOs are showing by burning through this money, money that easily could be used for their ailing companies.

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