Friday, January 9, 2009

Some Have Some Hard Lessons to Learn

We are really right now not a red or blue America, but a "scared shitless" America. Despite the recent market euphoria, nothing is really better economically, and our hopes and dreams are on what President Obama can do. Hope can change this, as it is all emotion that has created each of our reactions.

Fear shaped the Bush Doctrine, the war on terror, and the unprecedented restrictions on civil liberties. It made us believe "they are out to get us, we must protect ourselves", and few thought the massive housing bubble and strong war economy could be caused by FEAR, even though the true unemployment kept rising each month, and the only real jobs were in the housing sector, now long gone.

The shift to hope that the American people did by electing Obama is good news. We now must continue to demonstrate the resistance to fear we had by electing him. This was the core decision being made by the American public during this election.

We deserved every part of this crash, and we equally deserve the right to intelligently pull ourselves out of it, this time benefiting the many, and not the few. My favorite is the average dippity do American that actually believes they were NOT part of the problem,as they borrowed from their inflated home equity values, and bought big SUV's to carry their bottled water, or the idiots that took out 0% interest loans.

I feel less sorry for the Madoff 100% investors, the wealthy that put it all in one basket, and didn't watch the basket. And even less sorry for those that voted for Bush twice. These are the folks that do not "get it", and have had to learn some hard lessons, many of whom still have not.


Yesterday the market opened in freefall, as more facts come out on our economic conditions. A German billionaire committed suicide from his over leveraging and bad market moves. Unemployment figures look ugly.

Imagine if Bush's plan for a "free enterprise" social security had gone through. Right now President Obama is strapped with a huge 401K investing public that have seen their retirement savings fall by 35 to 45%

However, the free-fall held at a theoretical Dow volume of 8611, and held. We will adjust our Dow projections today with what could be another bottom on bad unemployment numbers today, but this bad news may also have already been built into the market.


Prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening. If you would like more information in my newest service, Floydian Therapy, I would be honored to speak with you personally.

High Pressure Sales Pitch by Floyd on Floydian Therapy:

As the New Year begins I am opening up my private psychological counseling to new clients, as reduced prices, to help us celebrate that having New Year's Resolutions won't work at all.
Each week I'll be sharing more of my metaphysical and transpersonal psychology approaches within our Alerts. If you are interested in learning more about this approach, which is separate from trading, but instinctively part of it, consider Floydian Therapy.

When working to coach a change in environmental thinking, I begin with what I call “how we see ourselves.” I first teach to go “outside of who you are” “or what you do” “and simply observe from the outside”.

The more you can objectively just watch a situation (the proverbial cat on the mantle watching), the more you can begin to understand what you are really doing.

❑ To have a new belief, focus on it constantly and in every way you can

❑ As long as you continue to hold the same beliefs you’ll continue to get the same results

❑ Everything is TRUE to the person that believes it. Evidence will be created by all and anyone to prove their point, and all evidence is irrelevant. Only other people’s beliefs can be false. Your beliefs will always turn out to be true. Ask: do my beliefs create good life, and desired results?

❑ You will attract, and be attracted to, people and situations that confirm the truth of what you believe

❑ You will find ways to distort what you perceive so as to make a belief seem to be true, even if it isn’t

❑ You will act in such a way that people finally comply with what you believe by acting in a way that your belief is true. For example, if you believe you won’t be loved, that fear will cause you to act in such a way that eventually the other person or people will stop caring.

❑ Lots of negative emotional experiences allow us to focus on what we do not want. The emotional charge from such negative experiences pulls our focus to what we don’t want. You cannot ATTRACT by focusing on what you don’t want.

❑ What your goal should be is: Discover HOW you create your feelings, behaviors, what and whom you attract into your life, and what and who you are attracted to. Most people are concerned about WHY they are doing something. Why, is not a good question. How you’re creating whatever is happening in your life...for example, if you are anxious, HOW do you DO “anxious”? If you can’t make enough money, HOW do you do “not making money?”

Join me if you are interested in Private Counseling with Floydian Therapy:

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