Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You Do Not Become a Doctor in a Few Weeks

Friday was a classic day for profits. Here's a perfect testimonial from JE on how he traded:

Floyd. 6 months into level 3 and I am really getting it.

Here's what I did Friday:

1. I watched futures, which moved around a lot, and waited until 10.30 and recalculated the Dow. I then bought 20 contracts of the June 420 Call at 9.30.

2. I studied the new Dow recalculations, watched the option, and within three hours the call hit r1, when I sold at 11.10. The option went up to 11.20 for the day, but I profited, net of commissions, $3600.00.

What stood out to me is that I was calm, and simply bought s1, sold at r1 when I saw the market was holding right around the 8350 Dow projection line you had and the 8250 also.

This trader took emotions out, and followed simple rules. He bought at "best buy" (or discount near a retracement) and sold for good profits, to close out by before the holiday weekend.

Another trader, MDL, wrote:

"Thanks for the two weeks of Dow projections with your regular daily updates written within, it helped me see just how to use these projections to see where the market will go, and it's a blast to listen to the "talking heads" explain the "reason" after, when it's just what you call "normal market cycling."

Learning to trade options is a serious skill. I always smile when subscribers share with me that "it's hard" to "learn", and it is, as where else can you earn 20 to 35% without leaving your desk, and with a controlled risk.

And, even better news, traders were able to take nice day trade profits on the June 385 Put also on Friday as the market gapped down at the end of day, and in tight whipsaw throughout the day.

Trading over 30 years I am still amazed when someone tells me they've been paper trading a few weeks and it's not working:) It takes time to truly learn how to trade index options, and is a learned skill.

You do not become a Dr. in a few weeks :)

Traders: if you have questions don't hesitate to email Floyd personally at any time at info@oexoptions.com

Consumer Confidence comes out at 10 a.m., and is an indicator that will be "read" for the mood of the public with more scrutiny right now.

One in every two entrepreneurs has dyslexia. Society viewed dyslexia for years as a "motor coordination" issue and a form of retardation, all the time while businesses were being built by dyslexics.

Things are NOT as they appear.

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