Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gold and Silver

We experienced, at least through 12.30 p.m., what Floyd calls a WTF market. This means no one knows, no one will commit, and the market will hesitate.

Meanwhile Gold and Silver both went up. Both are on buy signals, and we wait to watch the Dow and SPX (upside would close at 1090 up) and if it will hold beyond support and resistance.
We are truly in a trading range.

Call buyers that followed "the rules" entered the Sept 500 C at 7.20 and were able to hit returns of 8.20 a contract, or $1.00 within 45 minutes.

Put buyers were also able, before 1 p.m., to make a first entry buy to the put, at well below prior day close, at 4.80.

For day traders, a profit was made on the call within hours. For longer term traders, by 1 p.m. we had first entry to both positions.

And for the rest of the day, we sat on our hands and watched the market "not decide" anything.


Understanding False Emotions and Evil Thinking:


1. All religions should be tolerant of one another. It's the idiocy of not doing this that created this mess.
2. It's the perfect thing to do to build a mosque. It bridges gaps. If these gaps are not bridged we will have World War over God, again.

3. Christians that do not affirm this have not understood their own Bible, or have translated it to their advantage, as most faiths do.

4. Tolerance and Love fixes all. We can see what lack of tolerance and GREED accomplishes.

5. It's like we have amnesia on what has happened.

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