Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Often Do You Recalculate

The market opened up despite negative futures and the put was available as low as 4.10 and sold to highs of 6.60.
Many traders commented on "the top five questions" and asked for more, so here's the next five most popular questions subscribers ask:

1. How often do you re-calculate the support/resistance and pivot. (Once to twice a day. If high movement, by 10.30 to 12 noon, and again by 2.30 p.m. before the 3 p.m. market makers take over)

2. Do you trade by minute charts? (I use them, but I trade by knowing an option and how it will respond to the market movement ("falling in love" with an option means learning its nuances)

3. When you sell, how do you think of the sale? (This answer will disturb you. I am personally trading against others, as you are, when we bid/ask. I sit and hope I am making someone else lose their ass while I make money. It is a "war thinking.")

4. You soapbox liberalism and fight conservatism throughout your writing. How is this relevant to the market? (I soapbox what I believe "right thinking" healthy to our populace and economy. I believe idiocy leads our politics and that this idiocy affects the market dramatically. I try to influence to help traders see that there are direct correlations. Further, I support conservatism and liberalism. I do not support "greed" conservatism or "extreme" liberalism, by my definitions.) Those with me when Bush became President made a great deal of money on oil, as I know the family, their first interest being power and power with oil. Georgey Jr just wasnt' smart enough to keep manipulating the oil prices after Iraq so desperately failed. And traders would have made great money following housing and betting with me against growth, which I felt all created by Greenspan and later Cheney the President to support an already weak economy)

5. When you lose several days in a row, what do you do? ( I analyze my journal of the trades to learn what I did wrong, and I stop trading for a few days)

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