Friday, October 15, 2010

Pure Hesitancy

Slimey Goldman Sachs won with a a 38% and our Blue Chip Options call on this stock has advanced dramatically already.

The market continued a classic flat lining, pure hesitancy on upside or downside, and waiting for a "news byte" to bite on, and trigger a movement.

We've been extremely accurate in our Dow Projections this week.

We sense the possibility of a downside raises each day, but the market fights with resiliency.

Yesterday's call recommendation was profitable several times, from $1.00 to $2.50 per contract, and we remain with it as an open signal, suggesting a top is soon coming.
Today we list our first put, but again with caution.
We see any decline as short lived, even if "deep."

The market through 2 p.m. yesterday, before the electronic funds enter, had fluctuated from theoretical Dow highs of 10,998 and lows of 10,052. The hesitancy around 11,000 were fodder for massive electronic trades, while we calmly sat and made a bit of money on the call.

Bought right, we might be able to do so several times with the put. Note we are buying a November put, under the right conditions, while still holding an October call. Read our buy and sell instructions carefully.

Above all, question all facts. In the market, in life, and especially in the games that Karl Rove and group are playing; they are world changing, and not good. Things are not as easy as "lower taxes and stop spending." Custer was actually a coward.

In our Advanced Mentoring service we work with traders most about three things:

1. Self defeating behavior (the conscious fighting the subconscious)

2. Subconscious self sabotage

3. Buying and selling in a frenzy, and not remembering even what and why you did what you did.

There are reasons we all act in these ways, and much of this is exposed when trading options, as you are acting as
a fruit vendor (See Movie and Article on website). Many of us have trouble seeing inside ourselves.

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