Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Capitalism Led Our War on Terror

Al Capone said, "Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class."

Capitalism led our war on terror. First we created the TSA, a game to make our citizens feel safer, and a variety of "tricks" to create compliance. The amount of money spent on terror is astounding, yet nothing is really safer. Much of what we must understand is first what we must "uncreate," which is the mentality that more is good, that it is "okay" to take away our human privacy rights, and that the government knows what to do.

Many of our acts as a nation have been from this parallel. As an example, the GOP now preaches socialism and nationalism as Obama's agenda, forgetting the 350 Billion Paulson to his buddies bail out that occurred before he took office, and the series of events that the Bush Administration led. Sadly, the GOP now forgets this, and accuses us of socialism. And even sadder, we may need it.

Now, we lead with irrational pessimism:


And, if you want to know Floyd's opinion on what is happening, study the following article. I follow and study Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist, and believe him one of the smartest people we have studying this situation. Skip the babbles about socialism, or free enterprise, and shoot Rush Limbaugh. Study this if you want to learn from knowledge:


Buffet said the economy "fell off a cliff." Even Buffet lost money last year, and his holdings are all taking a beating, as America has finally stopped shopping. The fear is rampant in the world, and it transfixes the mood of the public, making the "bad" seem worse, and never ending.

We did well on the March340P yesterday, with lows of 4.90 and highs of 7.60. Most traders reported 2.00 per contract profits in the whipsaw market, same day.

Call traders that bought the March340C during whipsaw were able to trade for tight day profits on the repeated whipsaws of the market; for those traders not day trading a first buy was made on this issue and we'll now hold.

Floydian Therapy:

A rock is not hard. You just believe it to be.

"Is their more then one answer to the Rock subject?"

The answer is yes, and all are right. It is how we see something that makes it as it is. It is when we are absolute in our fact of this that we create war, and religion. "

"Once you say a rock is hard then it can not ever be anything else easily. When you settle for a truth, it will be hard to change. :) When God talks to you, how do you know its God? Be like water, have no shape. The more I know the more I know I don't know.

What we know is what we both want to believe, and have been told. The very FACT that we only know so much is proof of what we do not know.

Join me if you are interested in Private Counseling with Floydian Therapy:
Write me at : floydiantherapy@gmail.com
Sign up at: http://www.oexoptions.com/pages/FloydianTherapy.html

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