Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Market Sell Off We Believe Healthy

The last trading day of March the Dow was down 10 of the last 14 years. Many believe market manipulators have had a good bull run to show the upside. We certainly saw this in sell off consolidation yesterday with the market dropping as low as 7397 by 3.15 p.m. EST, right to our support line.

President Obama fired the President of GM. Good riddance. And he held accountable the other top CEO's as the U.S. car companies to actually show us real action plans, criticizing that their first work due March 31st was inadequate. It is exactly this type of equality response....holding them accountable for the debt to our nation they have created.

The market sell off we believe healthy. If the market stabilizes we are seeing nothing more than a good consolidation, profit taking on a stupdendous 21% rise in just ten market days. If it continues, taking any catalyst news as bad news, we've seen the bear market rally, often strong as we've seen, fizzle.

My bet is that the Obama over communication, the first President to talk to us everyday, may well be actually teaching our populace what he is attempting. Our news, our talking heads, and our conservative bloggers lead us with "too much too fast, socialism, or my favorite "fire Geitner" (can you imagine what the world would think if we fired our U.S. Treasury Secretary in less than 90 days on the job?)

The constant communication may help build the necessary citizen momentum to get optimistic, and to begin re-thinking how to live and work. A complete cultural change may be taking place in our nation.

Risk traders that continued to hold our April320P or were day trading it had fun watching it move up so quickly, but we missed put entry yesterday for any traders following our rules, as the exhaustive gap down was immediate.

First buys could have been made to the call, which we recommended as a higher risk trade. Most traders watching futures, by the way, would not buy this issue, but for those that did , we may now be bottoming from consolidation, and calls could begin gaining strength.

Back to Floyd's Soapbox:

Many comments on swearing, and on tv's on the streets from yesterday's blog.

I'll start with the TV's on the street. Oh how good it sounds. Stop speeders, stop criminals. But, just as with TARP, or with TSA, or with Defense, who is in charge, and do you really trust them?

Think twice. Who is in charge here? What are they looking for? Are our rights being violated? Sure they are, but the majority of Americans will right now say “I’m not doing anything wrong, so I don’t care.”

And , it is this type of mentality that created Nazi Germany, and true totalitarianism.

I know it’s not intentional, and that the tv cameras aren’t here to “watch us”, but I also know that if there had been 8 more years of Bushian thinking, there may well might have been. Cheney has already told us “we are not as safe under Obama,” and I’m sure many gun toters already believe it, that we are “minimizing defense."

How do we stop such false facts? How do we learn to question when the camera is put up to not say "what a good idea." but to have a sense of disrespect as to what of our rights are being taken away.

Please continue to reinforce my soapbox, and allow me on it. You need my screams to shock your calm.

So back to swearing. Here's a few more blogs from subscribers, and we will have a few more tomorrow, as the lesson plan materializes.

Here's a hint: when we see facts, or what we see as what is important or logical, or the most appropriate thing to do, are we simply talking, or learning to analyze through a microscope?

1. "I once was saddened to see people swear, as my Father had taught me swearing was a sin. Then I found that he was having sex with my younger sister, and Mom would do nothing about it.For years I put up with this, while he thumped his Bible. Now, 30 years away from him, and trading successfully, I have learned to judge no book by its cover, and to be open to all points of view.Your sense of logic around how to see facts has helped me gain success in the market. I guess a few swear words might even make a point." -MDL, Columbus Oh"

2. "I get angry when people swear and I see kids swearing, and smoking, and think about the degradation of our society, but then I think how much I am part of this degradation, as I have a 5 bedroom home that only my wife and I live in, and I make a living selling life insurance, which sadly I know is not a good deal for most people that buy it, and trading options to be able to retire.

So when I get upset on the swearing, I think what you would say to me if you knew me well, and if you could see how I have built my wealth. Perhaps your anger with the Dr. really exposed your anger that questions like this are even part of our society, and why we still battle to have Confederate Flags on our State Government Steps, when our President is black.

Your point, is as always, provocative."
-KJB, Virginia

3. " point is simple to me. We never stand up and truly make points about what we know is wrong, we just talk about it. All of us just "say we are angry" or "make our point". When you said " I will not stand for this" you did so in an angry tone, perhaps offensive, but darn it, you got him to talk to you. No one ever answers my complaints" -Jill M, Idaho

So again, I"ll have more of your comments tomorrow. Think about this:

Facts and logic in discussion about swearing is a sad use of absolutism. As an example, it is a fact that 78% of all child massacre students have read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.

Thusly, it would be logical that we stop allowing children to read this classic piece of fiction, as we could stop mass murderers.

It is faulty logic that calm and reason prevail well when making a point. Making a point is emotional, and has little to do with fact or reason, it is one's interpretation.

Thusly when one is angry and swears out his point the person that reads it (the Dr. in my case) may have taken offense, but so be it, as I took offense to the question. It prompted his response.

Would his response have been different if I were civil in my remarks, or would my remarks have been noticed?

All I know is that the report was changed, he had good discourse with me about it, and made a point of changing it in his office. I was offensive, but effective. Would I have been as effective if I had not been offensive?

The issue I am teaching is that with the black and white you all see, your FACTS about what is real (evolution is real, to creationism is right) interpret how you view others, and provide you the opportunity to judge.

It's true for all of us. When we see something as "obviously a fact" it should be sadly clear that many of the "obvious facts" we've read in recent years have been far from it. A great example is Bank of America buying Countrywide out of bankruptcy (from false facts) and having Goldman state "With BOA making this move and their liquid positions this is a super financial move long term for this AAA rated bank".

This was a fact at the time. It was logical. We all believed it.

Actions are not factually based, but emotionally. Decisions are also emotionally based; in fact logical people buy emotionally, and emotional people buy more logically.

By the beginning of this blog I am trying to show WHY we as citizens are not forming a unified stance, as our perceptions of reality are so only in tune with what we believe, and what we allow.

And many of us see our ways as the only way.

And this leads below to a bit of Floydian Therapy, how to see the world as it is, not as you are, or want it to be.

Floydian Therapy:

*You attract people or situations that help make your beliefs true.

*You hallucinate that you are right.

*You act in the way to make you right

*When you keep letting things happen that you don’t like: WATCH yourself doing it. It is much harder, if not impossible, to do things CONSCIOUSLY.

*There is another way of looking at the world.

*There is no purpose. You may choose to create one, but we created the word purpose

*We create the purpose. And , every purpose thusly has a consequence.

*For any outcome you want there is a certain way of thinking or acting that will get it for you.

*You create your own reality. You do things to yourself. You actually already know what to do.

*When you peel the onion away, as we all talk about, nothing is left. Exactly.

Join me if you are interested in Private Counseling with Floydian Therapy:
Write me at : floydiantherapy@gmail.com
Sign up at: http://www.oexoptions.com/pages/FloydianTherapy.html

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