Monday, December 14, 2009

Light Whipsaw on Friday Again

Friday took the market, in light whipsaw again, to market highs of 10,524. 10,550 is a strong resistance line, and the market has not managed to hold past or beyond it.

Because of the whipsaw we've seen the count, or bell curve balance, is now again at 0, showing no bias, besides our seeing a market that is rising, and the talk of a Santa Claus Rally.
All calls were profitable, and puts were sold at stop loss, for a break even and hard week to trade, because of the moving whipsaw around a 100 point range. Friday is quadruple witching expiry.

We have new Dow projections today, but make note of the similarity to the range we've been suggesting, and hitting, for the past 20 days.

Weaving Straw Baskets-Fifty Steps to Understanding

1) People cannot take in more than 5 tasks/thoughts at one time. Learning to control input is key to knowing when you are at or “over your threshold.” We all have a threshold in which input overcomes us.

2) More could be done in business, and in politics, if simple playground rules “no cheating” were put in place before any “deal” and Cheaters had to pay by doing public service, but that is just a dream.

I want Tom Delay mowing that White House lawn.

3) Life is too short to do business with assholes.

4) Use your time. Have your goals around your values, but be armed to stop believing even what you believe.

5) Be open to the world. Trust no facts. Question authority.

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