Monday, March 8, 2010

Caught in a "Trade Range"

So many of our subscribers have requested the "more lengthy" OEX commentary, outlining the week, that we're changing our format to so accommodate.
You will see more commentary, more "definition" of the market, and more of Floyd's thoughts for the week with the Monday commentary from now on.
For example, our concern with the banks may now, in lowered mode, actually restrain the market from last years exuberance. Further, many Americans are now paying down credit card debt (a house of cards ready to tumble) over paying their mortgage in their "upside-down" home values.

Floyd believes there is MORE downside possible in both residential and commercial real estate, that coupled with finance as a languishing sector, may flatten the market from any growth.

At the same time, as the gambler, I am certain that American exuberance and lack of execution (look at Congress) will continue. This actually may falsely prop the market up in some ways.

Less earning reports this week may allow the market to hit a top or bottom. Last week we saw whipsaw each day, and although I was not trading because I was out of the U.S. subscribers wrote in regularly with profit reports of 10-16% on put and call, sometimes in the same day. With a market caught in a "trade range," albeit a "distanced" one the market itself must "break pattern" for something to happen.

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