Monday, July 12, 2010

Death Cross

This past week the news media has been filled with information about the "death cross," a charting analysis that describes the crossing of the 50 day moving average below the 200 day moving average. Surveyed since 1930 when the death cross occurs, the market is up again a month or two later. As the "death cross" hit the news circuits more "fear" entered the market, we hit more oversold conditions, and finally the market corrected itself, short term, closing the week over 10,000 and actually up for the week.

Study our Dow projections carefully. We've been right on the target for weeks, and this week have narrowed our support/resistance lines in a new analysis.
After last week's 90% plus returns, and no losses, we're here at the table again.

This testimonial may help in your trading:

"Floyd, I've paper traded for over 90 days and by the end of the 90 days was making money. I wish I had listened to you first, before I traded right when I signed up for the service and lost 7k in days.

The good news is that I have learned to Point and Figure chart, and have learned how NOT to read the news, and to seriously question the facts provided us. It has helped my trading.

I bought on both the call trades last week, single buys, only, and turned a profit of over $11,000. I'm still ahead, this means, despite my stupid 'before reading the manual' trades.

Thank you for your style, commentary, and for telling me to spend lots more time on the website in the password area.
Feel free to use me as a reference. It's the first service that has been honest with me
" AWL, Chicago

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