Sunday, May 15, 2011

Money Bags

Huge lessons learned by advanced mentoring trainer MP we publish to show you progression:

“I just had one of those "Ah Hah" moments today where I actually executed a trade like clockwork...

I demonstrated everything you teach in the last 48 hours.

Yesterday...I could have entered to the call...but I waited because the move down was pretty heavy. I was not anxious to get in knowing that I might miss a move...but I was OK with that...

today...because of all my practice and because of all your lessons...I was able to "breathe" with the market..beginning at 4.30 am with the futures...Because of your DOW projections and my practice using support/resistance...and my experience "tracking" price. I was able to enter at the perfect time..

Again...because of your projections...and profit taking rules...I knew exactly where my target was...

After I sold out with a 24% gain..right BEFORE the top....(while staying home with my girls, cooking lunch and playing hide and go seek)...I just sat back and almost teared up thinking..."I just made more money in four hours than some people do in a week..."

I thought of that book I'm reading...Nickel and Dimed (almost finished by the way)...and how hard people work for $70-$80 per day...(BEFORE TAXES)...and I just took more money home in 4 hours then hard working teens and ADULTS make busting their ass all week long in crappy work conditions...

I was with my kids all day in a very comfortable home doing practically nothing but clicking my computer mouse..and just hanging with my family..

It doesn't seem fair...but I realize that I've worked very hard to get to this point...and I expect it to continue...I just need to keep perspective like this so pride, arrogance and greed stays in check...

I believe I have been blessed with a gift...and you are a big part of that..

Thanks brother.”

MP is my favorite subscriber. He is a fundamental Christian, a libertarian, and a conspiracy thinker. I believe in all faiths until they preach to me, am a Zen Buddhist, and am also a conspiracy thinker. MP and I argue all the time, for years, in emails, and we have both learned from one another.

Remember there are only three of us that run OEX and BCO services so we are not the spiffy group that updates signals hourly.

If our many articles, videos and ability to work by email with Floyd are truly educating you we hope you are learning enough to “trade by oneself”.

"Markets are constantly in a sense of uncertainty and flux, and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected"-George Soros

Floyd has a fascination with numbers, hence the study of geometry and math with W.D. Gann, and my use of Fibonacci.

Here’s math to help us simplistically see what patterns can do:

“Money bags"

This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to
your friends and money will arrive within 4 days (Based on Chinese Feng Shui.) The one who does not forward.....will be without money. 

Kinda interesting - read on!!!

This year we're going to experience four unusual dates.

1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...

Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add the age you will be this year, the results will be 111 for everyone in the whole world. This is the year of the Money!!! 

The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends. Money will appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENGSHUI.

Those who don't continue the chain won't receive....... It’s a mystery, but it’s worth a try. “

We have all received mail chains like this. There is significance in this cycle, however, and more proof of Fibonacci cycles

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