Monday, October 6, 2008

My Hopes and Dreams are Coming True

My hopes and dreams are coming true:

1. OJ was finally found guilty and will go to jail

2. Bush was found guilty (I pray we realize as a nation) and will leave office as the worst President of all time. He has been caught leading a bunch of rogues to the trough of money, and the trough of money is now gone. All of his "great plans" have failed miserably. Supply side economics has been exposed (although the American people to do not yet know or understand this, still filled with soundbites and false innuendo). This is NOT Congress, folks, but "from the top". We deregulated reason, and built a nation built on debt, and fear of terrorism.

The terrorism is right here, and we voted for it.

On Friday, puts hits 2.25, and calls hit 6.10. After the signing, the market collapsed in FEAR.

We've made profits on each signal during this debacle, over the past 10 days, and now have our first losing position to the call, with profits to the straddle hedge put.

The bill passed. We have spent $700 billion. Trust me, it's not enough, and just starting. The entire game is over, and 8 years of Republican abuses are clearly coming to light. It is that simple, as the CORE principles that have led our country (the family values bull you've heard so long) are supply side economic based. Cheney said "deficits don't matter".

The market allowed calls to hit good profits before the news, but the horrific jobs report that came out prompted economists to predict the recession may be worse.

Floyd has said: the recession BEGAN in October of 2007. And Floyd has been talking "false facts" lead our government for years, with little interest. It's now all coming true. They KNEW these books were false. Their own books are false. Put the blame where it belongs. Sarah Palin will not solve this, doggone it:)

From Trader Mike:

Some interesting information I've read over the last week................

When asked why the amount had to be $700 billion, a classic answer was given:

"It's not based on any particular data point, we just wanted to choose a really large number." a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday.

I always like to look at history for what will happen in the future. It seems we keep on making the same mistakes. If history is our guide this $700 billion dollar price tag will only be the beginning. The original estimate for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) bailout of the Savings and Loan (S & L) Crisis was $30 billion. It ended up costing $145 billion, a multiple of nearly 5 times.

During the S & L Crisis, L. William Seidman, Chairman of both the FDIC and RTC made this observation:

"Only three months after the cleanup started it was already evident that the problem was far worse than anyone in government had envisioned, including me, and it was getting worse everyday. We were faced with taking the most politically unacceptable action of all, having to admit we made a big mistake."

How much you want to bet that this $700 billion won't be enough?

In one of your upcoming newsletters, please explain further on your comment "Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them HOW to be angry.".

Anger has no value with focus. To point fingers, scream, or blow up accomplishes nothing; to show anger with logic, facts, and without emotions makes the anger have value.

Smart people are angry to solve, not to complain.

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