Friday, April 9, 2010

The Best Month for the Dow

April is the best month for the Dow, average 1.9% gain since 1950. 3rd best month for S&P, 4th best for NASDAQ.

Two way trades were possible today. The market held up after over a 100 point theoretical low, and ended the day up.

Thanks for trying a part of our new format this week.

1. Our goal is to give you just enough information to make your experience reading our alerts consummate with your experience, or you merely "link" to areas of our website to help you develop those skills.
2. Our attempt to not "show a signal," but "show a method" is very effective. The trader is either long or short, and if day trading using minute or 5 minute PNF charts, or following our standard rules of the market.

3. I learned the market studying Richard D. Wyckoff. There is only supply and demand, and then cause and effect. That is the stock market. And that is economy.

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