Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1000 Points in One Day

The market moved 1,000 points in one day.

Berkshire Hathaway reports results today. Jobless rate is expected to remain at 9.7%. (Spain's is 20)

The oil spill has worsened. How does off shore drilling around the U.S. look now? Yet again, we had put our "greed" before even the logic of what could happen.
1 in 12 commercially prepared meals in the world is by McDonalds.

And now, after 11 weeks of euphoria, our economists are calling for an end to the world, and the end of a good economy because the Dow had dipped to 10,659 by 2.03 p.m. and further on.

Traders in our OEX MAY 2010 515.0000 PUT were able to buy below prior day close as low as 4.66 and by 2 pm. EST sold for a 55% return, and by later in the day was up 113%

So, we'll lose on the call today, but we made some huge money on puts and calls this week. Let's play it safe and simply stay out of the market tomorrow. Let the bottom find itself.

Why does a market fall over 350 points? What causes it? The answer: triggers lead the catalyst, but the consolidation was long overdue and is healthy for the market......if it stops.

Friday before Mother's Day, Dow up 9 of last 14

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