Monday, May 17, 2010

Whipsaw Action

We all know the whipsaws of the past few weeks, and the FEAR and GREED that have both tugged their war. This week is perhaps a bottom testing following our Dow projections, and we think a rise to near 11,000.

1. Barrons: '"America's biggest companies are sitting on loads of cash and ready to earn higher profits than ever before. This will affect the economy long term, dividends, and everyone's investments."

2. Floyd: "With regulation to high fractally based super computers the stock market will evolve. Without controls, it will be destroyed as we know it, perhaps by late fall this year. Only but a few will make money."

3. Floyd: "The never ending rhetoric and economic theory about the financial debts being incurred around the world are immaterial. It is happening. It is not stopping. It has happened. How we now pay for it is much like 'drill for oil' on our coats, and figure out if it's really safe later."

4.Floyd: "We are 1/3 larger as people than we were 25 years ago."

5.Floyd: "Sarah Palin earned 12 million last year."

So, now, decide how the market will do.

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