Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hey Buddy... Want the Truth?

The market was just perfect again for tremendous day profits on our "in love with call." We recommended to trade on the July OEX 500 Call and returned another day trade profit of 18.5% up. Despite all the talking heads we see a potential upside before a deeper downside unless the strength of the market truly takes over, and the FEAR abates.

Hey Buddy, want the truth about the oil spill:
Yet again, Tim Dickinson exposes the long term truths of what has never been done, and who has been in charge.

This portion of commentary also shows in our Blue Chip commentary. It is important stuff

The CEO slime of BP slime is on top of Capital Hill today to talk about slime, to those that took slime to let slime through.
Although as I wrote the above, simply translating the CEO hits Capital Hil, think of it. He will talk about slime, and it is clear there was no Defcon 6 plan, no real plan for failure, and many operations were incomplete. BP will pay.

But he wil be speaking with our representatives, many who were lobbied by oil for years, and helped bring this deep water drilling, believing the data from the corporations wanting to do the work.

Think of this. It's as if we had no regulation to study if what the oil companies said were true, but if we did have such regulatory structures they would increase government spending, create larger government, and we would be accused of socialism.

If we leave the corporations to self enforce, it doesn't work. All corporations are built on the profit model, and within all corporations we will only find corruption and greed, increasing by the size of the company, and the value of what they do, manufacture or process.

The corporatization of America, not the socialization.

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