Monday, August 22, 2011

News Triggers

*Historically the end of August has been stronger the last 7 years.

*Grundy said, "A small businessman is one whose business is not a "successful one".

*When everybody thinks alike, everyone is likely to be wrong

Let's start with a PNF chartist showing us how he sees what could have been our lowest low, or could be,and whether it is over or not".

Hello Floyd, the lowest we can take the weekly percentage P & F chart on StockCharts is .31% i know its hindsight but there what looks to be a fairly strong S & R back in April at the 10856-10590 area... Can look to at that and let me know your thoughts.. I feel if that bring down the weekly chart to the lowest percentage might give us stronger S and R lines compared to the Daily... See attached and let me know your thoughts...
-Thank you Derek

Effectively Derek has taught himself the Fibonacci retracement, in which we went to the lowest levels, something few of us thought, and brought up back, short term or not, to our 2008 lows.

There is something very wrong with our financial thinking and pledges when the market came from where it did to where it went. What is inherently different three months ago than today?

What news triggers OR market movers influence the market and we don't seem to even know it, or it happens faster than we can see, we are entering a new era.

We lead this week's commentary with two jobs:

1. Updating our charts to sold what sold at trailing stop loss.

2. Listing Dow Charts in PNF format, attached, to help you see where the market is.

Let's do that after this debacle before we even begin to analyze why.

I am surprisingly succinct and it's because I want a few more days of absorption; there is much on why our world economy is as it is, and solutions that are not just Keynesian.

When Michelle Bachmann is really a front runner I am now watching the news in almost a study of belief that she could even be considered. The plan is in place, the conspiracists say, as any President can be a puppet.

We will be much more detailed in thought to you this week when necessary.

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