Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Your Taxes Have Already Been Raised, Citizens!

Facts from Stock Traders Almanac:

8/26 – Last 5 days of August much better; up 4 years in a row

"Floyd, sometimes it is not enough when I make $4000 on a trade. I want more. I get upset. Is this normal?"

This subscriber helped me in showing you as students GREED. $4000 on a trade, or a typical 20% return, as this subscriber had written, is huge money, and very profitable. Where else can one earn 20% in an hour or two, sitting down, "doing nothing".

Learn what is, not what should be.

And, from another subscriber in journals:


I, like your other trader like to journal emails to you. I'm sure it also helps you judge the sentiment of traders. I try not to hold back any emotions, but lately my emotions have been in check. Reason why, I've reduced my risk by trading less contracts.

Friday I watched the vix move down along the trendline, euphoria on BS and decided to trade the 580 put. Scalped a trade mid afternoon and took a position to hold over the weekend at an average cost of 6.1. GTC sell orders in place. Partials sold 6.50 at opening reading the tape to make a determination of further weakness. Sold final partials at 7.00. Love leaving money on the table when I already made mine....

BTW: I love to trade puts, buy low volitility sell high volitility.

I will now look for entry into Call signal.

Regards, BD"

Republicans for Obama/Biden......"

Monday fear of the banks and the never ending messes, and oil prices, led a decline to 11,322. We do not believe this was the market move down that we next expect, however, and that upside could now occur, before a deeper bottom.

Traders should have made two buys to the open call recommended yesterday.

My favorite news of Monday is that the FEDS themselves now cannot figure out what to do, or to agree on the Fannie/Freddie mess;
the bottom line: the numbers are far worse than we have been told, we have been lied to by our government, and a complete government bail out will occur.
Your taxes have already been raised, citizens.

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