Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Are You Suspicious?

Do you want to know the truth about what the Emperor is doing in his last days? Are you suspicious? Are you beginning to believe in WHY we are out of control as a nation?

Only those with an open mind will believe this article,which is entirely true:


It's the story of how the Emperor is spending his last days, and what he is doing to you. Tomorrow I'll share a bit more about what "he did", as the entire 8 year period is now coming right to its ugly head.

Next, we have the new President, actively going after Afghanistan. Sigh. Soon we'll be at India and Pakistan, as we have NO understanding as a nation of the complexity of the situation, and may have just moved our war sideways. Of interest, the war is now not important anymore, we've all forgotten it.

And, the tax cuts that Maverick McCain and Obama talked about for so long...notice that taxes aren't even mentioned or "important"?

Remember, question authority and have a bit more "lack of respect", and you'll begin to see guys like Madoff and his 50 billion Ponzi scheme for what they are.


The market went from a 8700 top to a 8410 bottom in Monday's trading, and the "flat lining" was tight. The FOMC is meeting to lower interest rates this week, and it's a forgone conclusion that they will do so, yet it's now a "yawn" almost to the American people.

The January460C was available as low as 8.30 and could have sold to highs of 10.00 by day end.

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