Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Forced Frugality

Fun to watch the market struggle a bit yesterday, and traders were able to buy our OTM put at 1.60 and sell to highs of 2.05 by 3.30 p.m. Volume on this option was light, and overall volume in the market is very light, before the upcoming holidays.

The market went right to our Dow projection support line. There is not much out in the market this week that is "good news", but it's possible at support lines the market may have some upbeat euphoria "pre holiday", making two way trades more likely. Despite a beginning bias to the put we'll issue a short OTM higher risk call trade pre-Holiday, and watch futures carefully.

Perhaps we should tax golf balls. This is my new thing. We tax cigarettes, booze, and all kinds of things that affect the middle class. Why not golf balls? Obama needs revenue streams, and it's this kind of tax that would go over well.

We will now see a shift to forced frugality, and perhaps a few questions on why water restrictions are "exempted" for many golf courses, but not for others. I'm not against golfers in any way,just trying to help you look at a few things differently. Who is paying for what?

In other words, what and who are we funding with our taxes, all of them, and with the institutions we use?

Remember as you move forward in life, and in trading:

Everything begins with either someone who does something, or does nothing.

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