Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is the "Count" you Speak of in the Daily Alert

The market hit highs last Friday that appear to be strong resistance, and futures were very negative pre market, only to open just a bit down, and have most of the day struggle around the pivot.

The Swine Flu epidemic was the fear trigger for yesterday's market, but a very difficult market to trade. Traders were profitable in the May 380 Put (1.00 profits) and the May 400Put for $2.00 to 3.50 and up contracts in tight day trading.

No buys to the call were made with futures over 100 points down.

This was NOT a volatile day, making trading "flat lining" hard to do.


"What is the count you speak of in the Daily alert?"

Many subscribers in Level 2 service as us what we mean by "count" and the numbers after it. In our Level 3 service we outline how we calculate this count. Simply put, Floyd utilizes a bell curve analysis for overbought (put) and oversold (call) conditions. With 0 as having no bias as the market climbs over a period of days or hours we calculate "norms" based on using the High/Low/Open/Close of a high volume index option and a series of calculations to define the "bias".
If the "count is 4 to the call" this means the bias is to the call, to a "count" of 4. 10 is the highest "count" to the call, meaning the market has reached highs and is LIKELY to hit resistance lines and falter. The higher a count gets to 10 the most likely reversal will take place".

When the bias is 0 to 2, to put or call, it's an "undefined bias" with few statistical odds to define the longer term bias.

At Level 3 we teach the calculations of how we reach "the count".

Here's a true summary of our banking crisis: (Thanks to MP for reminding me of this)


And here's what the IMF is up to. It's important you understand WHO the IMF is, and how they are trying to control the price of gold:

> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124078772568857401.html#mod=article-outset-box

And trader MP wrote again, to discuss our subscriber that quit. His writing is in italics and explains well what I am trying to teach.

From the subscriber that left: "I need to know exactly what to do, what price to pay and when to sell. I can't see that in your service, as you make me think out what I am doing myself."

Let me tell you something brother...I used to think similar to your subscriber and you know what...I realized that thinking like that gets you nowhere but dependent on someone else...I want to KNOW how to trade this freakin' market ON MY OWN!!! Your service is helping me do that! Thank you my friend...Even though I have not made any money yet with your service (ONLY because I broke rules and tried my own stupid things)...when (not if) but WHEN I am able to replace my account I am VERY CONFIDENT that I am going to make some serious money...VERY CONFIDENT!!!

This is because following your service everyday is teaching me how to truly understand and follow rules and I'm most especially learning about myself, my trading tolerance and style...

Now regarding the circle of pain...for the life of me I continue to crave sugar and I continue to procrastinate...I don't want to waste time anymore by putting things off and I don't want to binge eat anymore...the PAIN involved is getting on my nerves...so in order to leave this circle - does it even matter WHY I do these things? Do I even have to know why in order to stop...and WHY are some circles so difficult to get out of? Because these circles are so familiar and we fear the unknown?

Floydian Therapy:

❑ All effective personal growth approaches are really just ways to get you to focus on what you want.

❑ Carry a 3 X 5 card with you for two weeks. Make a mark on your card each time you notice yourself focusing on something you don’t want. When you notice yourself doing this, ask what is you do want. Write it down. Keep track of your notes for two weeks, and learn about yourself.

Knowing what you want vs. doing what you don't want is key. Want does not mean " a new car", want means "who do you want to be?"

Join me if you are interested in Private Counseling with Floydian Therapy:
Write me at : floydiantherapy@gmail.com
Sign up at: http://www.oexoptions.com/pages/FloydianTherapy.html

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