Friday, September 17, 2010

GE is an Over-Leveraged Company

Yom Kippur. Blessings.

Now, allow me some soapbox time:


2. Drug use is up 9%. Perhaps the billions we spend in enforcing this silliness could be better utilized? Does anyone really think the illegal drug trade will stop as long as it is lucrative?

And to the market:
Yesterday was more and more flatlining, hung up at major resistance lines. By 2 p.m. the market had only moved from a theoretical Dow high of 10,615 to a low of 10,482, but the moves were so slight, so incremental, that trading was hard.

We are keeping both positions open with closure by end of day today. Risk traders only would consider holding the put.


Here's the kind of tip we offer in our Blue Chip Option commentaries:
*GE is an over-leveraged company. Keep a running PNF on this one and consider it as "short play" or a 6 month out ATM put.

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