Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And Here We Are

Yesterday's trading was clear evidence to us of an unsure market. Our open signal, the January 420P, was available for great daytrade profits, and hit highs of 5.70. Many traders wrote to compliment the smooth ability to trade for .50 profits, just as they did on the Jan470C, which was available under prior day close twice, and could have sold for .30 to .50 profits.

In markets as we are seeing it's always good to day trade when one can, and lock profits, as the struggle between down and upside will continue. We continue to see our Dow projections on target, with upswing potential, and downswing correction, prior to the inauguration, when most traders think we'll have a strong burst upside to the market on change.


There is a good argument against long term deflation in the U.S., and that's the price of Gold, which has held steady during the crash. As we see a sharp spike in Gold prices,which I believe will happen, we will see more concern about inflation, probably resulting from the FED's massive liquidity injections and Treasury bailout schemes. In our sister service, www.bluechipoptions.com, we work with Gold as a commodity in our stock recommendations. At OEX we're most concerned watching gold to see if inflation can create a large rally. We continue to believe we could have a Fibonnaci retracement of 38% from our lowest lows.


In 1993 there were only a few dozen antibacterial consumer products. Today there are more than 9000, with 2753 new ones introduced in 2007 alone. Never mind that the FDA concluded four years ago that antibacterial soap and lotion products and 98% ineffective compared to regular suds available and washing your hands.

We want relief. We want solutions. We buy what we are told will "save us" (Iraq, the TSA, antimicrobial products, Prozac, and now even mood enhancers like Abilify that are meant to work with your existing anti depressant, if that isn't enough.)

TV shows are now ready to stimulate our anxiety. CSI shows, et al are meant to stimulate our anxiety of "what could happen to us" in the name of ratings, and we want it. This is why when the zealots tell us family values blah blah blah they forget that as good as that sounds, it is WE as a populace that buy this FEAR.

And amidst that fear, we've led the last 8 years with the most unprecedented GREED seen since the great depression, where just a few,unregulated in their capitalistic plays, created falsehoods that we also all bought, to get more, our GREED.

And here we are.

It's now the second day that the institutional traders are back from holiday, and what the talking heads have been saying:

"With many professional money managers home for the Christmas and New Year's holidays, the stock market made its recent moves in very light volume. The return of institutional money next week will determine whether these gains stick.
"The real question is, is this going to last when traders come back from vacation?" said Doug Roberts, chief investment strategist at investment research firm ChannelCapitalResearch.com.
Every day next week, traders will get a dose of new corporate and economic news that may give them more insight into the depth of the U.S. recession and credit crunch.
Items most likely to move stocks include minutes from the Federal Reserve's last interest-rate setting meeting, two big tech conferences, returning lawmakers' efforts on another stimulus package and Friday's job report."


High Pressure Sales Pitch by Floyd on Floydian Therapy:

As the New Year begins I am opening up my private psychological counseling to new clients, as reduced prices, to help us celebrate that having New Year's Resolutions won't work at all.

Each week I'll be sharing more of my metaphysical and transpersonal psychology approaches within our Alerts. If you are interested in learning more about this approach, which is separate from trading, but instinctively part of it, consider Floydian Therapy.

These are the questions you must ask yourself:

What do I want?

What do I not want?

What am I afraid of?

To be successful in the unreal world you first must be good at something. Until you are truly good at something you have little value to others, and have not even proven to yourself what you can develop.

As you gain skills you must also love and be generous. Any part of you that is not doing this, that is unforgiving, just wastes life.

Go out and:

1. Do what you’ll say you’ll do.

2. Finish what you start.

3. Be on time.

4. Say Please and Thank You.

5. Listen

Join me if you are interested in Private Counseling with Floydian Therapy:

Write me at : floydiantherapy@gmail.com
Sign up at: http://www.oexoptions.com/pages/FloydianTherapy.html

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