Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Futures Fluctuated Widely

Futures fluctuated widely before opening yesterday, and the market moved from a 9 to the put bias count UP 135 points in the first hour of trading, bringing the Dow to theoretical 9852 in 60 minutes of trading.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was caught using the State Helicopter 14 times to attend church.

This is the issue, but we'll come back to it.
Despite a count of 9 to the put, the market massively rebounded Monday, confounding us all, with upside continuing to highs of 9864 before 2.30 p.m, holding the morning run up. Our Dow projections remain intact, just inversed.

We saw an historical key reversal day, and very hesitant futures, of a day not "bound for glory." We did a morning calculation on the S/R lines that we twittered out to all that showed the new R1 at 9823.64 which the market struggled to reach most of the trading day.

There is typically heavy selling the last day of the third quarter, and the Dow has been Down 8 of the last 11 years. Institutional Portfolio window dressing ends at this time, and many sales are made. It's why we saw yesterday and today and "key reversal days," even before we've hit the 10,000 struggle. Any consolidations, or renewals at upside, now have to have more justification and reasoning.

Some question what is really happening on Wall Street: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c2f7e3d4-a9e9-11de-a3ce-00144feabdc0.html

Many of our traders ask about our "count," which are calculations we use on the High/Low/Open/Close of high volume options, and we teach how to actually calculate in our Level 3 and Advanced Mentoring service. It is based on what I call *The Floydian Bell Curve Theory:

The basic bell curve will show a top when a movement is three standard movements above the norm. Typically then stocks (or any commodity) will correct to the middle of the bell curve.
It is the watching of these standard movements, the support and resistance lines, around the bias that works with our simple "test" of this using OTM options of high volume and introducing H/O/L/C.
You can study this work completely in Level 3 service. Our count analysis and S/R calculations can also work with any stock or ETF, which we teach at www.bluechipoptions.com

A simple method of "card counting", with a bit more logic behind it.

And Democrat or Republican, just find a scandal. It will be easy. There are so many, and it is these 540 that lead us :( Many things are not being fixed. Just remember this as we blow up the bubble:)


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