Friday, September 25, 2009

What's happening...

This is what appears to be happening:

· The Republicans have once again used the tried and true Karl Rove technique of providing false facts, and creating fear. And half the country believes it.

· The Republicans, who had no regard for deficits for the past 8 years, and historically actually create more deficits than Democrats, are now fearful the debt we have created, to undo the financial disaster that has filled every cranny of our society, and use this debt to their advantage, preaching our inability to pay it back, and the “socialism” of it.

· The lobbyists control the 540 in Washington that control our lives, and these idiot Senators and House members appear to be literally fucking around, playing games for their “constituents” and the whole concept of what free democratic government is suddenly has nothing to do with how our nation lives, and our people are easily influenced by advertising and media.

· So then we blame the media, which is instant and never completely factual, and filled with right and left wing idiots that spew more nonsense.

· Remember, most Americans only read to the 6th grade level. More than 37% of all Americans have not read a book in the last year. We are unschooled, and influenced by the influencers.

· My week of vacation allowed reflection on our barrage of input, and as usual, refreshed the mind from the stress or work worry, or fatigue, or whatever, that we create.

· But again this comes back to the way it is set up now most people are fucked, and it can get better. The country was seeing with vision just a few months ago, and beginning to think of all we needed to do (The Obama Agenda), all things that should have been done, and all that were imminent.

· Our financial crisis is far from over, but it has been slowed. The stock market has rebounded well, but suspect is that the most traded stock this summer has been AIG, all traded by speculators on wild swings, on a stock on a company that no one quite knows the value of. And how much do they owe us?

· So, as we have chances to create real change, and perhaps care for more of our own people with healthcare, to stop the robber barons by forcing competition. It’s a sad lack of regulations that have created industries like the financial and healthcare sectors that appear to be collusive and usury is accepted practice…but a change came over this country this summer, brought on by fear. Fear induced by false statements, and then again a speculative market that has showed tremendous gains, so much so that one wonders what bubbles we’re creating. The Treasury Note and Bond certainly are bubbles, as we again fuel our debt by buying from China, and having them buy our debt. Same with Japan. The simple statement “buy made in America” is both hard to do, and not even the right thing to think.

· All of this tells me we are “fucked.” We don’t know what is happening before our eyes, and we are letting it happen. Something in thusly, in my “way of thinking,” in the air.

· However I feel about the world, or how Americans eat at McDonalds by choice, there are influences to the world on how the G20 are thinking, and how the 540(House/Senate) are thinking, and the propaganda in our country is as ripe as it’s ever been. Something is up, and it will affect the market.

· That’s the beginning of my thinking of how to explain this to you, but get ready for October, where upward pull could surprise us.

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