Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do NOT be Misled by Hulk Hogan

If you would like to understand the thinking behind the sell off yesterday, it's simple. Euphoria led off, and people woke up.

Traders that took inventory to the put thought I was nuts, but made some real money...with buys as low as 3.10 and sells to as high as 11.20. Calls, as expected, were available only for tight profits.

We do NOT recommend opening the market today with a buy. The volatility is too extreme. Take prudent risk.

The above URL link gives you Bloomberg's interpretation of the market yesterday.

Here's mine:

Wrestler "Hulk Hogan" is worth 32 million dollars. This proves that America be be sold on anything and that anyone can get rich in the U.S.A.

Three months ago I predicted: "Fannie and Freddie, through false financials, will fall, and the same administration that allowed the oversights to occur, will bail them out for 250 billion or more, and America will not understand the real repercussions".

Four months ago: "The USD will rise, and America will think we did it. What will do it is the Euro falling from its false highs, and the dollar benefiting. Yet again we will not understand what we have truly done to the USD in the last 8 years:

How am I doing so far?

Do NOT be misled by Hulk Hogan. Our economy is dependent upon our ability to understand the world economy.

"Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" and far right Christian views (Sarah the hockey mom) ARE NOT Global thinking, but instead, more of the "I am right, therefore others must follow my way" world.

McCain is NOT a maverick or a change agent. He voted 90% with Bushy. Want more of the same?

There is a clear reason our economy is in a shatters. Oil, the USD, and mortgages. It will get worse. If we elect stupidly, it will get far worse. People are responsible for the debts this country has created, and 250 billion in the Freddie/Fannie bail out is enough to wear one out. As if we have this money.

In Broward County Florida (Miami/Ft Lauderdale) there were 761 foreclosures in 2006; there have been 6401 foreclosures in the first nine months of this year. This is a 741% increase; couple this with Fannie and Freddie NOT being managed, and now a 250 billion bailout, and the costs in Iraq....this is why our USD is in trouble, and our economy in shatters.

Who else is responsible?

Consider Floydian Therapy®:

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