Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Great Depression Was Averted... For Now

Oil was manipulated Monday by Short Sellers. The market itself has been manipulated for years by shorts, by the large investment bankers that have lied through their teeth, and the house of cards has crumbled.

I repeat again: CREDIT CARD FRAUD (banks misrepresenting their own exposure) is next, as our nation is run on credit, and it is now catching up.

Now, Congress is playing games with the worldwide bailout, and the market reacted beautifully yesterday, with profits for traders to both put and call.

Smart traders were able to buy the Oct530P and sell for 2.00 to 3.00 per contract, and those that held the Oct580C on day trades also locked 2.00 per contract. We're left with an open signal to the Oct600C, and more potential two way trades.

Several traders reported dual profit trades on put and call during the market whipsaw this afternoon.

YES, the Great Depression was averted last week. It was postponed. And you fell for it.

And now, we're figuring out if we can even pay for it.

When you vote in November, ask yourself WHO has the greater chance to make REAL change. And if you don't believe change is needed, you're hopeless :)

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