Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What a Trading Extravaganza

The day opened with a world market not believing what was being done, or not done. We are closer to a 4000 point drop than the average McDonalds' Super Sizer American with a Hummer and some good patriotic country songs can perceive. When the market crashes, if the market crashes, if the banks crash....banks will fail right and left, and money will truly NOT be real.

By midday we all knew that the government could not agree on a bill, and the market hit bottoms at 10,360.

It was such a large drop today that we can only begin to imagine what the next drop will be, if we cannot gain closure. We had one of the largest drops of all time, and the Great Depression is upon us.

Many day traders had fun:

"The day opened with a world market not believing what was being done, or not done. We are closer to a 4000 point drop than the average McDonalds' Super Sizer American with a Hummer and some good patriotic country songs can perceive. When the market crashes, if the market crashes, if the banks crash....banks will fail right and left, and money will truly NOT be real.

By midday we all knew that the government could not agree on a bill, and the market hit bottoms at 10,360.

It was such a large drop today that we can only begin to imagine what the next drop will be, if we cannot gain closure. We had one of the largest drops of all time, and the Great Depression is upon us.

Many day traders had fun:

"What a trading extravaganza. buy, sell, $0.50 here, $1.00 there.

Spreads so large I'm scalping 50 cents just on the spread."

Now, of course, we will not learn a lesson on this, as we never do. We actually will believe the issue is "the banks on Wall Street" when it is much much more.
Simply: this is supply side degulated economics falling apart.

"The Bush presidency began with the destruction of the Twin Towers, and is ending with the destruction of the tri-trillions-the money spent on a foolish war in Iraq (653 billion and counting) and on a bailout of the financial sector gone hog wild during the Reagan administration of Deregulation. Bush and Republicans have revived Big Government in the worst possible way: the middle class will pay, in perpetuity, for the sins of the powerful."-Joe Klein, Time

Do not be deceived that the Democrats "caused this", as we now read and hear, and that they were complicit in this bribery. Although the Democrats in Congress were indeed part of the problem, and have guilt, this bail out is NOT a financial bail out alone, but a bail out of supply side economics. This trickle down "free enterprise" methodology historically has the next generation pay for falsified debt. Do NOT forget that McCain, Bush, and Cheney, less than one month ago all agreed "the country is not in recession,but struggling for bearing"

McCain is trying hard to move the widget from the center, and to use the great American Republican "fear" game that works so well....we will be safer with McCain than Obama, when in reality we are LESS safe than 8 years ago, with 653 billion in debt on Iraq alone, and with a world that sees us as "idiots imploding".. buy, sell, $0.50 here, $1.00 there.

Spreads so large I'm scalping 50 cents just on the spread."

Now, of course, we will not learn a lesson on this, as we never do. We actually will believe the issue is "the banks on Wall Street" when it is much much more.
Simply: this is supply side degulated economics falling apart.

"The Bush presidency began with the destruction of the Twin Towers, and is ending with the destruction of the tri-trillions-the money spent on a foolish war in Iraq (653 billion and counting) and on a bailout of the financial sector gone hog wild during the Reagan administration of Deregulation. Bush and Republicans have revived Big Government in the worst possible way: the middle class will pay, in perpetuity, for the sins of the powerful."-Joe Klein, Time

Do not be deceived that the Democrats "caused this", as we now read and hear, and that they were complicit in this bribery. Although the Democrats in Congress were indeed part of the problem, and have guilt, this bail out is NOT a financial bail out alone, but a bail out of supply side economics. This trickle down "free enterprise" methodology historically has the next generation pay for falsified debt. Do NOT forget that McCain, Bush, and Cheney, less than one month ago all agreed "the country is not in recession,but struggling for bearing"

McCain is trying hard to move the widget from the center, and to use the great American Republican "fear" game that works so well....we will be safer with McCain than Obama, when in reality we are LESS safe than 8 years ago, with 653 billion in debt on Iraq alone, and with a world that sees us as "idiots imploding".

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