Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Dramatic Victory

The Democrats won a dramatic victory and the mood on Wall Street was as expected, with market moves that took the market to lows of 9,071.

Level 3 Subscriber RC, a devout Republican, writes me regularly with his point of view, and I respect him. Yesterday he wrote to be shocked about how Muslims have now forced Great Britain, and San Francisco, to take Holocaust historical facts out of the history books, et al, as certain Muslims do not believe there was a Holocaust. As we bantered back and forth, RC wrote me I had "too much hate."

The election is now over. I have had much disrespect, and a great deal of anger, over Bushian neo conservatism, but began thinking about "hate," and sent RC this commentary:

I thought about your comment.

I have not hate, only disrespect for much that has gone on. Bush deserves to be hated (or at least not respected, he has destroyed our country in many ways)

I do not believe that a young Barack Obama meeting Ayers, led by a top Republican (never mentioned) has a single thing to do with whether he can run a country. McCain's faulty game plays on this backfired on him.

I do believe that choosing Sarah Palin, a Christian right winger, was a classic example of how bad McCain would manage, as he chose a potential leader of the world, to win. Sorry, she cannot lead our country. The majority of our country, thankfully, agreed with me. McCain's "game" failed.

I do believe we were consciously lied to by Bush and Cheney about Iraq and that their oil war backfired on them. I do believe that we have killed our our own citizens, spent billions, and killed numerous civilians, for a war that has no end, and no purpose. What Hussein did is irrelevant, as it is not to us to go to each dictatorship to "save the world."

I do believe that church and state must be separated.

I do believe that Muslims should not be influencing historical perspectives, such as the Holocaust, and that we are now seeing the reverse reaction by our over reaction to their anger. Their anger is deserved, sadly, as we have made Muslims "the evil ones," and created a world of anger (All Bush and neo cons). We are a world of varying people, and different religions.

I do not believe any reference to God should influence our politics, as our nation is NOT Christian, but a multitude of religions.

I do believe that McCain has made it a campaign of hate first, and that we now have idiots being mean to Palin, et al. It's a two edged sword. I think McCain's ugly campaign finally backfired on him, and his "games" were seen through.

I do believe that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, and I do believe that Bush politics have created this entire mess. All fell in, but it was "from the top" that our direction began.

I do believe that it's time to let the Democrats yet again undo the supply side game that Reagan led , quadrupled by Bushy 1, and now made worse by Bushy 2. Living in Florida I simply was stunned by what Jeb Bush, our former Governor, was able to do to destroy our school systems, and home ownership taxation.

I do believe that our no bid games in Iraq were great for Bush croney's, and built nothing. I know. I sold kitchens to Halliburton for Iraq that I saw marked up 200% after our sale, for doing nothing.

I do believe that your opinion on abortion and same sex marriage bores me. I want you to have the right to your opinion, as I want the right to mine....and not be legislated if I disagree with you. I want a Supreme Court that does not bring religion into decisions.

I do believe that neither candidate will be able to do half of what they have said, as we will find our economic situation even worse, and will be out of money.

I do believe that McCain is a loser, just a war hero done good, that is a poor choice for the Republicans, and that Palin was worse, and the election will be lost by Tom Delay, by Karl Rove, by the entire "Bushy gang" that made little of our rights, falsely imprisoned people, and allowed horrifying lack of prisoner rights to be done, all in the name of terrorism. I was proven right.

I do believe we took our eye off the ball and left Afghanistan. Went to Iraq, for oil. Let Wall St. ride. Tried to even privatize social security.

Not hate, but hard facts to me that I'd have preferred Bill Clinton to what Bush did, and I prefer the chance to Obama, that to have allowed Sarah potentially be President.

You find facts often that you send that show what others have done wrong, yet have nothing to do with this. Ayers and Obama.....what's the connection, Obama at 25 working with Republicans leading a committee that Ayers is on, and it becoming the "game" of the election, because McCain has nothing good to say. I saw this election become classic Republican games of "fear and loathing", just as Bushy did 4 and 8 years ago. Finally America saw through the "fear" game.

Not hate, just a disrespect always for those that want to tell me how I must be. And I dead agree with you on the Holocaust and Muslims, but find this is the issue, NOT the cause. We have created a world of haters, and no one will really win, as half the country thinks one way and the other the opposite.

How sad.

So, the election is over, and now the real issue begins....what honestly can be done, not the promises, but what can be done, to lead this country to unison, and economic balance. We have spent far too long without any unity."

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