Monday, November 3, 2008

Today Will End My Rants... For Now ; )

Today will end my soap box rants, as we elect a new President tomorrow. 8 years ago I wrote in newsletters:

*George Bush will be the worst President of all time. The economy will shudder, the deficit will rise, and he will get us in oil wars. He is worse than his Father

and a neo-con that will take away our rights to privacy." I was sadly dead right.

4 years ago I wrote:

*Once again the Bush dynasty has put fear to the American people, on "terrorism" and "protection," and we stupidly have believed them. We are led by Cheney, the real President, a true neo-con,

Rumsfeld who has "outsourced" the war, and by an Administration that has played to Wall Street, deregulated excessively, and taken away all capitalism controls, so that only the wealthy win. It will devastate our economy and our nation will suffer worldwide disdain." I was sadly dead right again.

Today I write:

*If McCain is elected you will see the same games continue, the same war lies, the same religious crap that has NOTHING to do with our people, and our nation will not get out of debt, but have more.

Just that he could consider a Sarah Palin as his VP candidate shows his inability for true leadership. If you honestly believe that Sarah could be President and she has a 1 in 3 chance, you truly are someone I do not understand, as she has shown no capability to even know the issues, and wraps herself in "buzz words."

Obama brings hope that a fully Democratic led House and Congress could restore our country's financial health, as Reagonomics "supply side" deficit building will be stopped.

Vote smartly. Your life depends upon it this time. Don't fall for stupidity of newsbites or religious fervor. Same sex marriage laws has NOTHING to do with our country's future.

Question authority.

There were several signs that market conditions for swing traders and medium term investors were improving this week:

Tuesday's near record gains were sustained through to week's end. This is contrary to the recent history when large gains have been followed by similarly large losses
As the market summary below shows, the indexes made some very impressive gains. The Russell 2000 performed best with a 12% gain
The gains were held into the close on Friday, indicating that nervousness about weekend events has diminished
TED Spread and Libor rates are coming down slowly, although they are still way too high for free credit flow.
We don't know if we have seen the bottom of this bear market yet, but we expect that immediately following the election the winning senator will take the lead in proposing legislation that will alleviate the depth of the recession we are already in. We know the Democrats are in favor of a new stimulus package and Martin Feldstein, an advisor to the McCain campaign, has also proposed a stimulus plan. So there is a good chance of bipartisan approval for new stimulus measures, whomever is elected President on Tuesday.

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